Stalker call of pripyat controls
Stalker call of pripyat controls

You can read a description of the available settings below: Lighting types To get to the in-game settings, start Stalker and press the Options button in the main menu. Each computer is unique in its components and the parameters that it possesses, so that two people with the same visual, but different processors, can have completely different frames per second in a particular scene. While I am trying to identify the influence of the settings on each other, it is impossible to determine the most successful parameters (for which, for example, + 10% increase in fps), because it all also depends on the specifics of the hardware, and your other game and system settings in combination with each other. In this section, I provide you with a full description, comparative screenshots and recommendations for Stalker's in-game settings, allowing you to personally determine the balance between image quality and performance.

Stalker call of pripyat controls